Lately the kids have been crazy about Superheroes. It doesn't matter who it is, as long as it's a superhero they are good to go. Alexander got a set of Superheroes for Christmas and that made it all the better. They run around the house pretending to be Batman and Supergirl or Spiderman and the Phoenix and they have a blast. They have Superman capes that they use to fly arond the house in too. This morning before school they were Spiderman and The Hulk and they were saving each other from falling off of a building - which happened to be my headboard.
Hannah and Xander also like Superhero catchphrases. So far they like "Hulk Smash" and Up, up and away" and they are anxious to learn more. Normally they go to daddy for this type of information because mommy's pretty clueless in this area, but I do know a few! After Alexander and I dropped Hannah off at school this morning Xander was playing with some of his "guys" as he likes to call them, and he was giving them catchphrases which was really cute! I noticed that one of the "guys" was The Thing from the Fantastic 4 and I happen to know that The Thing always says "It's Clobberin' Time" so I tried to tell him this. He thought that it was the most hillarious thing he'd ever heard and didn't believe me. He was convinced that The Thing says "Puppy Power" like Scrappy Doo. BTW, my kids also like Scooby.

After about twenty minutes of trying to convince him I gave up. Of course after I walked away I heard him saying "It's Clobberin' Time" but I guess he just didn't want to give mom the satisfaction of knowing that I wasn't as uncool about Superheroes as I thought. Either way I think that I'll let Bill teach them about Superheroes in the future!
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