Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Sometimes if I talk about what's "wrong" with me it helps me to work through the "problem" so here goes: Lately I have been totally unmotivated to do anything and I'm SO not exaggerating! I don't want to cook, clean, workout - NOTHING. I also don't want to just sit around doing nothing so I'm a little bit frustrated with myself and I don't know how to break this vicious circle that I've somehow gotten into.

I never make New Year's resolutions - or at least I don't make resolutions out loud. In my head I tell myself that I am going to try to do better with the things that I normally do. For example, I tell myself that I am going to do a better job of keeping the house neat. This usually works for me for a while but it doesn't normally last for too long. I am the type of person that has to have a firm talk with myself several times a year to get my act together. I've never been a highly motivated person - ask anyone who knows me and they'll tell you the same. I have always been the laid back, go with the flow type of person (even though it's always driven my mom insane) and I'm okay with that but I always did what I had to do when it needed to be done. But now I just can't seem to find my "groove".

I want to do so much this year, like get the family to eat healthier and lose 10-15 pounds, and this "blahness" (that's a Melissa-ism in case you were wondering) is really discouraging me. I'm hoping that this will end soon, like as soon as I post this! If anyone out there has any suggestions on how to shake this - please let me know!! At this point I'll try just about anything!!


Anonymous said...

I think part of the "blahness" is the fact that you may have been running around with all the holiday excitement, and like the kids you have hit a wall (the January blues). Take one step at a time, enjoy the minutes and move up to hours. You will get your groove back. My friend is an organizer and said if we organize our kitchens and get rid of the "bad" food, we will easily lose those pounds without really thinking about it. Also, she makes a monthly calendar for her dinners (too ambitious for me right now), but this way she knows what she has on hand, and it limits her eating out. Maybe the mommy's should all get together to relax and remember why we enjoy all the craziness of our lives. Sending you an air hug.

liz said...

wow I knew there was something up but, I couldn't pin point it first it can be the weather it is so gloomy out lately I don't think anyone can get motivated..second, I think you are just tired of going in circles lately same routine, get up, get kids ready,come back feed Alex, go back pick up Hannah, come back home and start straightening and cooking how boring!!! third, you shouldn't have to clean the same things over and over you need a time out...take some time for yourself and make some new years resolutions not only for you but, for your family instead of you killing yourself everynight get everyone together to straighten up before you head down to bed stick to the routine they are getting older and now is when they have to learn later it will be to late you'll be sorry believe me even the hubby...instead of watching a movie get together and clean house together then watch the movie..there is so much I can tell you but, I am mom and you don't like hearing me sometimes but, crack the whip before it's to late it's not a matter of being unfair or mean it's what your kids are going to remember these are there memories so make a plan and get it going someone has to be the underdog and I think it is going to be you but, that's ok I was the underdog myself but, you have always thanked me for raising you the way we did so some day Hannah and Alex will thank you for all the wonderful take a deep breath, a time out and get going..I am always here to go help you crack that whip...(clean)..