Thursday, August 14, 2008

I'm Being "Stalked" by the Jehovah's Witnesses!!

About a month ago, I was stopped on my driveway while getting out of my car with the kids by two older Jehovah's Witnesses ladies. They asked for a minute of my time and proceeded to read to me a passage from the Book of Revelation and tell me about the signs that "the end was near". Now being Catholic myself, I have read parts of the Bible and I am familiar with it's teachings (although I'm not as familiar as I should be) but, I do appreciate people's faith in God and their love of the Bible so I politely listened to what they had to say and even took the pamphlet that they offered to me and went in the house.

I should probably tell you that this is standard procedure for me with anyone that comes to my door trying to sell something (or talk about religion in this case) or calls the house asking for donations. I listen to what they have to say and then politely decline - I just can't bring myself to be rude!

Well, last weekend while Bill was in the shower two different women came to the door and again read me a passage and gave me two more pamphlets. Again I listened, took the pamphlets and said goodbye. I was glad that Bill was in the shower when they showed up because he HATES solicitors of any kind and tends to get a little nuts when they contact us in ANY way.

I didn't think anything of the women ringing our doorbell until today when they showed up AGAIN! I had just gotten out of the shower and was not dressed enough to answer the door so they left me some more pamphlets inbetween the doors and went on their way. I think that I have unintentionally encouraged them and I'm not exactly sure what to do now. I still don't want to be rude to them, I try to keep my level of rudeness to an absolute minimum but I'm at a loss for what to do next. I'm sure that I'll think of something but in the meantime I hope that if they do come back they are not unfortunate enough to have Bill answer the door!


candi said...

Tell them that your husband has forbid you from speaking to them. They are very big in submission to husbands. They may try to persist for a bit, but just keep repeating that you are not allowed to talk to them or take their material. They will go away and not come back.
Trust me been there done that!

Bill said...

I don't think Melissa could physically utter the words "my husband has forbid me". :)

Anonymous said...

Next time answer the door naked, but be careful, someitmes the Jehovahs's disguise themselves as your husbands friends coming over to watch the Bears Games. They can be very persistent so you may have to answer the door naked several times, if it doesnt work the first 3 or 4 times trying answering the door naked and offering them a cold beer