Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hannah's Dance Recital 2009

Hannah's Dance recital was this weekend. She (and the rest of her class) work really hard all year just to get to this and I have to say that they did fantastic!

Her Ballet class danced to "A Whole New World" From Aladdin.

Her Tap class danced to "California Girls".

She just loves her teacher and I have to say that not only is she great with the kids but she comes up with some really cute dance numbers! I'll be excited to see what she comes up with next year.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


So earlier today one of the kids did something really cute and I said to myself "Ooh, I've got to post about that" only I cannot for the life of me remember what it was that was so cute now that I'm sitting at the computer so I guess I'll just let my brain run wild for a bit and see what I can come up with here!

We celebrated Bill's birthday last week. The kids insisted that we make daddy's cake this year so that's exactly what we did. I told the kids that they could decorate it (which totally made their day) but they couldn't agree on what kind of frosting. We stood in the baking goods isle for about 5 minutes with them arguing in a way that only kids can "chocolate, vanilla, chocolate, vanilla..." until I finally settled it by letting them get both to use. I must say that the cake was pretty cool AND Bill loved it!

Bill's Cake

Alexander has had strep throat 6 times in the last year so we had to take him to an ENT to see if he needed his tonsils out. I was told last year that because he was having problems with his tonsils and because I had my tonsils taken out and because Bill had a history of chronic strep that he may eventually have to have them removed, so I was really nervous about taking him to the specialist. Luckily she took a look at his throat (and his history) and said that she wants to wait to see if next winter is as bad a this winter and then we can take it from there because his problems are a winter thing. We were so very relieved to hear that because I really didn't want my baby to have surgery!

Hannah's/My girl scout troop is done with their cookie sales (thank god!) and they managed to raise over $900 for the troop. I always knew that GS cookies were like crack but geez, people really go nuts for these things! We had a cookie sale at our church and I was hunting for more cookies half way through the sale. You'd think that Thin Mints were made of gold the way people were asking for them!

I still can't think of what I wanted to post and my brain is starting to hurt so I'm going to stop boring you now. If I remember what I was going to say, okay who am I kidding? Even if I remember what I wanted to say I'm sure that I'll forget again by the time that I get back to the computer anyway!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Blame It On The Dentist & The World's Strongest 3 Year Old

Hannah lost her fourth tooth tonight. So far all of the teeth that she's lost have been on the bottom and it's making her a little upset. After dinner tonight she says to me "I don't understand why I lost that tooth. The last time I was at the dentist he said that my top middle teeth were loose and that they would fall out soon but they are still there and I'm losing other teeth instead." I went on to explain to her that the dentist was only guessing that those would be the next to go but he didn't actually know which ones would be next. I then told her that she is losing her teeth in the order that they first came in when she was a baby so the next teeth that come out should be the top middle ones. She seemed to feel better after that. She loves whenever I tell her about herself as a baby.

It amazes me that I can remember in what order her teeth came in but I can't remember what I did yesterday! Sometimes I just don't know about myself!

Because Alexander is the smallest person in our family (or maybe it's because he's 3) he is obsessed with finding things that are his size. He get so excited when he finds "little like me" things as he likes to call them, that he has to tell everyone about his new discoveries. About a half hour before bedtime tonight, Bill and the kids were in our room (doing god know what) and all of a sudden I hear "Hey these are my size!" followed by Bill's laughter. I hear him running down the hall to show me and this is what I see:

He has found Alexander size weights and now he can "exercise!" Man I just love this kid. He's just too cute sometimes!

Monday, February 16, 2009

A Change of Scenery

Okay, so I'm not actually Irish and I'm not really into St. Patrick's Day but I thought that this background was cute and I've got Irish friends so I figured that it was okay to put this up! Well, that and I was getting tired of the Valentine's Day background and I'm not really ready for spring backgrounds either and I'm tired and don't feel like searching for another background that I like so this really was my only option!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I Sort of See It!

People tell me all the time that Hannah looks just like me. My response to this is to agree with that person and to indulge them as they go on and on about her being my clone and all that other good junk that I can't think of right now. But I have a confession to make - I've never really seen much of a resemblance between the two of us. I mean, sure we've both got dark brown hair and eyes and we've got just about the same skin tone but that's all I saw until I stumbled upon this picture.

Me at age 6 - and don't you DARE make fun of my hair. It was 1986 and I was in style damn it!

Hannah at age 6

I can actually (sort of) see where people say that she's my clone now! Her face is a little rounder then mine was, my eyes were a little more almond shaped then hers and of course she's got some of Bill in her, but I see it. Now I don't feel like such a weirdo anymore, well at least about this!!

Now if I can only convince Bill that Alexander really does look just like him as a kid because of course, he doesn't see that!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Alexander's Top 10 Favorite Things to Say

#10 - Do I have to wash my hands?

#9 - Just put my jammies on, not bedtime?

#8 - I don't want to go to bed!

#7 - I'm gonna beat my high score!!

#6 - I'm a big boy, right mom?

#5 - Sorry Hannah.

#4 - I'm hungry.

#3 - Can I have a snack?

#2 - No Wii til the weekend, right mom?

#1 - Is it the weekend?

These are the things that come out of Alexander's mouth most often, as in a million times a day! I think that he'll be a great interrogator when he grows up because he's really good at wearing me down so that I just give in!

BTW, this is his 3 pre-k school picture. Doesn't he look huge!?!?!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

She's Got the Reading Bug

Hannah has been trying to read ever since she got her first library card at the age of (nearly) 2. In the past she has pretended to read by making up stories by looking at the pictures in her books and actually memorized some of her favorite books and has "read" them to me. She's always loved books and I am glad that she (and Alexander) seem to have inherited my love of reading.

This year in kindergarten she has started phonics, spelling and is continuing to write more and more complex sentences. She has practiced her spelling words, letter sounds and combination letter sounds religiously and tonight all of her hard work has started to pay off. Tonight as we sat on the couch, my baby read me a (almost) whole book!!! Of course there were words in there that were just too big for her to figure out but she got 85% of the words right. I am so proud of her!! I can't wait for her to get better at reading so that I can share with her some of my favorite books from when I was a kid. A whole new world has just opened up to her and I can't wait to watch her explore it.