Sunday, December 9, 2007

Happy Birthday Hannah!!

Today is (or should I say was since it is 9:00 pm?) Hannah's 5th birthday. For those of you who may be reading that do not know me, Hannah is my daughter and the oldest of my two kids - Alexander is my 2 1/2 year old son. Anyway, this year we decided that since she was turning 5 and now officially a "big girl" that she could have a party with just her friends as opposed to the craziness that has been her past birthdays where we invite everyone on the planet into our not so tiny/not so big house that does not have a basement. Her friends party is on Tuesday and I will be invaded by 10 little girls for a princess dress up party and I have to admit that I am a little scared!! But, ,that is days away so I will let you know how that goes later in the week.

We had the family - my parents (nana & papa) and sister and my MIL (grandma) and SIL and her family and Hannah's godfather's family (godfather had to work so his wife and kids came without him) over for pizza and cake today. I have to say that it was really nice having just a few people here. It wasn't over crowded or stressful. It was quite nice!!

I don't know about the rest of you moms (or dads) out there but for some reason I had a hard time with my baby turning 5. It just seems like such a big number to me. I feel like we just brought her home and now she's 5. I kept getting all emotional over every little thing too. She counted to 110 the other day and I almost bursted into tears. I know that everyone told me that I should enjoy her because kids grow up fast but, Geez!! Bill (my husband) thinks I'm nuts. Okay, I'm sure that there's lots of people out there that think I'm nuts but now I'm actually starting to agree!! Luckily I was totally composed today. I didn't get teary eyed at all and I was so proud of myself!! But having Hannah is one of the best things that I've ever done. She is such a joy to have in our lives. She's smart and funny and incredibly loving. Sure she's got a little attitude -what girl doesn't?- but she gives fantastic hugs and has magic kisses that make mommy's boo boos go away. I just love my little pumpkin pie!!


Anonymous said...

Great now you got me all teary eyed but, isn't it the best tears you ever shed You are such a good Mom I am soooo proud of you with everything going on around you still manage to keep yourself going! it was a lovely party but, the best is yet to come I am sure you will do fine you always do and besides there just kids that's the good thing so hang in there and Happy Princess Party after all you are the Queen....

Anonymous said...

Welcome to blogland. I must warn you it's addictive and time consuming, but nice to have. I soooo agree with the age 5. So far 3 of the 5 have had a 5th birthday and it is a tough one. I think it's because they aren't a toddler anymore, now they are a real kid. I am sure 10 will be tough too? Double digits and all.
Glad to see Hannah had a nice birthday. Wish you could make it on the 22nd, we'll miss ya:)