Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Evil Thy Name is Banana Cream Pie

Lately I have been doing really well with eating right and for the last 3 weeks I've been going to the gym 3-4 times a week. I can see a difference in my body and I feel great!! I haven't had a problem with not eating junk food either. At first I was really craving junk food and I had the shakes because I really cut back on my carbs but it really doesn't bother me anymore - at least it didn't until Monday.

Monday was my birthday and I requested a banana cream pie in lieu of cake this year (because there are 5 birthdays from May 20th to June 2nd and by the last one I'm usually all caked out). I told myself that I was only going to have a tiny slice and that was it. Well, you know what they says about the road to hell!! I had a huge chunk and let me tell you - it was GOOD!! I probably could have left it at that except for the fact that my parents don't like banana cream pies so they sent the rest home with me.

I avoided it all night Monday and most of the day on Tuesday but every time I opened the fridge it taunted me. I finally broke down and ate some around 8:00 pm and I had to throw the rest away (sorry mom) because I was on the verge of eating the last 1/4 of the darn thing!!

I was defeated by a PIE and to add insult to injury I've gained 3 pounds!!! I am now back on the wagon and back at the gym but my will power is bruised and battered. I curse you Baker's Square and your wonderfully wicked pies!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Xander!

Yesterday was Alexander's 3rd birthday. I know that this should have been posted yesterday but I had too much going on the post anything! Anyway, we had him a smaller party this year then we have had in the past years but it was nice and the day couldn't have been better. The day started off with him opening gifts from us just about as soon as he woke up. I'm not sure how this tradition started but we alway open gifts first thing in the morning!

Showing Daddy his new Batman Jammies

He was very excited about the Hulk Toy that Hannah picked for him

After breakfast Bill went outside to finish setting up while I straighten up the inside. We ended up renting a bouncy castle (jumper, moon bounce - whatever you call it) and it was delivered on Friday night because the people had somewhere to be early Saturday morning so right after breakfast Bill set it up for the kids and they had a blast!

The kids getting an early start to the party

Having a Ball!

Coming down the slide

The party itself was fun too. There were 11 kids and they all played really nicely. We decided to keep everything as simple as possible so Bill barbequed and we just had some salads, some snacks and cake and that was about it.

He's such a Ham for the camera!!

He got some really cool toys including his very own bouncy castle from his godfather and lots of clothes (for which I am glad because now I don't have to get him anymore summer clothes!) but his favorite thing was Hulk Hands and the Hulk mask. He had been seeing them on t.v. and had been asking for them for quite a while so he was over the moon when he actually got them.

Hulk Smash!!!

The party ended a lot earlier then any of his other parties because it got really cold really quickly but i think that this was his best one yet.

I miss Alexander being a baby because he was such a sweet baby but I just love the little man that he is now. He's a ball of energy and he's always getting into something that he shouldn't be in but he's got the greatest smile that can get him out of almost any jam. He's full of curiosity and has questions about everything under the sun (just like his sister). He loves superheros and dinosaurs and playing eye spy and telling knock knock jokes and he can't seem to get enough of anything. He is full of love and is very generous with his hugs and kisses. He's a "Big Boy" and I think that he's the one of the greatest kids in the world! Happy Birthday Bud, we love you!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Some Flowers for You!!

Happy Mother's Day everyone! I hope that you all have a wonderful day!!